
Sunday, 15 June 2014

Carp Fishing: Flushing Meadows Storming Session

A warm welcome to this weeks blog update and this week we move into the last few days before the start of the River season.  I am just about there and apart from a few bits and pieces from the bait shop on Fathers Day I am all set to hit the bank on the opening day.  Myself and my uncle walked the banks of the River Dane last Saturday scouting out swims and likely looking areas and I have to say we found a few spots that look to have the potential to throw up a few fish.

The river fishing arm of my angling life is one that i have most confidence in and an area i feel we are spoilt for choice and that only comes from the amount of hard work we have put into it the past few years.  We have travelled to out of the way swims, suffered the emotions of a blank and the excitement that comes when you find a new area of river or even a completely new river and it all comes together and you uncover a gem.  I guess all the fishing I involves a huge sense of adventure into the unknown.

The season just within touching distance its a good time to reflect on last years river season and I must admit writing this blog doesn't half give you a wealth of information to look back on, I mean how many people out there can at any moment look back over the venue they fished, time of year, picture of the final net and in most cases the conditions during that session,  I may not earn any money from writing this blog but what it offers me back as an angler is priceless.

Looking back to this time last year our journey started travelling down the disgraceful track down to the Warrington Anglers River Dee water at Worthenbury, this trip threw up a few dace for myself and my uncle but the journey was not worth the effort it took navigating the lunar like track. The next day i headed to the River Dane and was rewarded with a chub and a hard fighting grayling, a proper way to open the season.

Moving into summer we began to discover a brand new river, clear conditions provided us with proof of its barbel and chub stocks and the motivation to keep going when sessions got tough.  We visited this venue a few times and even spent my first night session on its banks, an interesting session to say the least and not for the fishing, well worth a read. Link:

In keeping with the discovery theme we continued to travel the length and breadth of the River Dee and found some quality Dace shoals and some very good pike spots on our travels.  Autumn into winter saw us travel to the river dee where we expected to spend the next months prowling her banks and like bears waiting for the salmon run we waited for the cold to arrive and the mighty dace shoals to move in.

Little did we know that on the last week of November would we be travelling to the River Dee for the last time if the season, three months of rain and flooded rivers saw me go on the pike hunt but river wise it was two weeks before the end of the season we got back on a river.  Two sessions on the River Dane and one on the Weaver is where we left our story in march and three months on west stand on the eve on the adventure continuing, i cant wait......

The past few Fridays i have gone out on a long walk with the dog with my work friend Ian and last week it was a a joy to witness some sublime scenes on Appleton Res as the sun sunk behind the trees we got a chance to spot some of the carp moving into the shallows and it was amazing to see people carp fishing with no activity around them and the fact if they had just walked round the lake there was a huge group of fish waiting to be caught.

Appleton res, a beautiful evening water.

on to this weeks fishing.....

Carp Fishing: Flushing Meadows Storming Session

Speaking to my uncle late on Friday night we decided on visiting Flushing Meadows for our fishing this weekend , at this time the sun was beating down and the temperature was really pushing that mercury and you could have been fooled into thinking we were in for a day relaxing in the sun the net day but a quick glance at the weather.revealed heavy rain and thunder storms for  the next day.  Waking up the next morning the air was stifling and very close and it was so warm that whilst walking back to the pool after parking the car up the noise of carp sucking in the margin of the disabled pool could be heard.

We decided on Flushing meadows fishery on the day as one of their pools is quite secluded with trees on one side giving protection from the wind and also with it being down a hill you get some protection from the wind in the other direction as well.  These trees offer protection but through the gaps we could quite clearly see the clouds of change approaching and had the gaps not been there the rumbles of thunder closing in would have let us know.

The arrival of the thunder and lightning brought with it a coolness that was more than welcome and not only from a comfort point if view as the arrival of the cold weather saw me and my uncle into the odd small carp.

 Fishing in a thunder storm is not a good idea at all and to fair when the storm was over head we did pack in for a few minutes while it passed over.  The early exchanges where hard going with none of the proper carp showing for either myself or my uncle and what carp where about seemed to be up the other end of the pool.   This fishery has 5 pools on it and all have a good head of carp and are absolutely stuffed with silver fish to the point it makes a mockery of silver fishing for them so when we go now we just go with the mindset of targeting the bigger carp.  The video below taken at the end of the session showing just how many silvers are in this venue and this does not take into account the fact there are some really big roach and rudd in there and the countless skimmers if you fish on the bottom, it does make you wonder how they all get enough food to survive.

It does get to the point where you have to say catching silvers on venues as heavily stocked as this teaches anyone learning the art of angling nothing but how to unhook fish and bait a hook, ridiculous really.  The morning moved on and as it did so the better fish moved in on my swim, first a rogue tench and then the better carp.

We continued to plug away and in keeping with the conditions our success levels where changeable from hour to hour with flurry's of bites coming and going as quick as the rain showers.  My new umbrella up it was great fun playing the carp on the rod and centre pin.

The result of this video was one of the most stunning carp I have ever caught, beautiful markings with a full linear line down its flank.

My uncle was also into his fair share of carp on the opposite side of the pool but with the heavy rain it was hard to get some pictures, this one below one of many he caught on the day.

All in all it was a session we both enjoyed with a few carp on the bank.

Till next time

tight lines



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