
Sunday, 21 April 2013

Pristine Roach and SAS Carpin' on flushing Meadows

A warm welcome to this weeks blog update and thank you too all the people who got involved in the thread I posted on the maggot drowning forum about the River Mania idea.  The general consensus was that it was a great idea with many people embracing the idea and saying it is an event they would look to enter if it came into fruition which was great to read.  As of writing this introduction to the blog there has been no more information released on this event but as soon as any news is broadcasted I will include it in the following weeks update.

Over the past two weeks I have purchased the licences I will need for the foreseeable future in my Environment Agency licence and the Warrington Anglers Card.  I must say I was really impressed with the new way you pay online for your EA licence and was even more impressed with the rapid delivery as I paid online for the licence on the Thursday evening and the licence landed on my doorstep in Mondays post, cant argue with that.  The Warrington Anglers Licence I have a bit more trepidation about as I wonder just how much use I am going to get out of it as up to date I am yet to fish a water on this card with my recent trips being to Flushing Meadows for my main blog and Curlston Mere for my mini carp blog which both are venues not on the Warrington Anglers Card, ultimately the longevity of this licence will come down to how good the other waters are on the River Dee and I think even more importantly how much the other new licence we are looking to purchase takes over our fishing time.

The carp mini blog is taking up a lot of my free time at the moment and I am not complaining at all in fact to quote a well known phrase “IM LOVING IT”.  The challenge of getting the rigs, baiting levels and timing of the trips right is all fuelling my enthusiasm for this quest and I have a feeling it may start to overspill into the main blog from time to time, for example, I am thinking I need to test these rigs out on a venue I know holds a lot of carp to make sure what I am doing actually works so I am thinking of getting my carp anglers head on next time I go flushing meadows and have a relaxing session sat behind that buzzer.  All carp anglers will tell you confidence is a massive thing and I have found the demons in your head do show up really quickly! Knowing my rig actually works will be a worthwhile exercise.

For anyone interested in keeping up with my mini blog chasing a 10lb plus carp the blog is on a page link on the top tool bar or you can find it on the link below, please remember this is my first time dipping my toes into the world of bite alarms, hair rigs and boilies and mistakes will and have been made lol….

Between fishing of a weekend and the trips to bait up and fish curlston mere I have been in contact with Calor Gas about a future product review that should feature on the blog in the coming weeks and is something I am really looking forward to getting stuck into as the item looks top quality and testing it out and reviewing it I know is going to be loads of fun.

                                    “Gusts bring out the roach”

For a few weeks now I have been the only angler on my trips to the bank and this continued into this week’s trip as well I had my Warrington Anglers Licence in my pocket but upon flicking through it I found myself struggling to find a venue to fish that pricked my inner angler.  I sat a while in my car a pondered my options and decided that I would travel and do another session on Flushing Meadows fishery so it was back in the house for a warming cup of coffee before I set off for the fishery around 6.45 in time for it opening at 7am.

As many of the regular readers of the blog will know we are really early birds on the bank often arriving at our chosen pegs well before the first sign of daylight and I have to admit these past few weeks I have missed that part of my angling day in my opinion there is no better feeling than being at the waterside as the world around you wakes up.

I arrived at the fishery as the farmer was heading back up the track from opening up and there were already one or two cars parked up.  I decided to fish the island pool again but this time I fished the back of the island hoping to encounter some of the carp I had seen the man last week get into.  I set up two rigs both on polystyrene pop up balls with a number 8 shot below the float and another an inch or so from the hook, one rig was for under my feet to my right amongst some overhanging brambles and the other was for tight up close to the island, my bait for the day was maggot and I also decided to bring a long a tin of chopped luncheon meat.

The pool was flat calm as I set up with the only disturbance coming from the pair of Canadian geese that had decided to call this pool home searching for an early breakfast.  This place being in the middle of the countryside you are always guaranteed to see your fair share of wildlife and it was whilst plumbing up I spotted a owl gliding low over the field to my right, obviously returning home with a last meal of the day, its sights like this that make if for me, whether it be the buzzards around midday or the fox grabbing a drink in the late evening before its nocturnal hunt for food I just love being in and around the daily lives of these most beautiful of British wildlife.

The session began with me feeding maggot on my inside line and as is always the case with this heavily stocked place the first bite of the day wasn’t long in coming with a small rudd at the front of the dinner queue.  I early bite is always a promising sign no matter what the size of fish and I was straight back in followed by a generous sprinkling of maggots.  The swim was coming along nicely with the rudd being edged out with some nice roach.

The swim had carp written all over it what with its overhanging prickly brambles and deep margin but my chosen quarry failed to show themselves in this swim, most people would have been disappointed by this lack of carp action but not me I was in my element catching some clonking roach the two other guys fishing the pool must have thought I was mad taking pictures of the roach I was catching.

The quality of the roach fishing was really surprising as roach over 10oz kept coming one after another and it again left me thinking what the net would have looked like if keep nets were allowed on this fishery. 

Whilst catching these roach close in I was periodically feeding the island margin with small pieces of meat this act alone was becoming difficult though due to the increasing wind that was blowing from left to right.  I continued to catch roach on the inside line till the better fish dried up and the smaller fry moved back in when this happens its always time to change swim as feeding these fish off on maggot is nigh on impossible.

The wind by now was blowing in intermittent gusts so I knew fishing the far shelf was going to be hard but I knew the rewards would be there.  My first put in close to the margin saw the float zoom off straight away and I was into my first carp of the day and boy it went well on the blue hydro elastic.

The second put in again saw another small carp take the bait and this continued for a good hour where I would quickly fish in between the hard gusts of wind and each time I was rewarded with a small carp or nice roach.  It was just after returning a carp the farmer called round for the money and the lads to my right must have asked if they would be allowed to move as no sooner had he left they moved to the pond further up which was protected from the wind by a high hedgerow.

I continued to fight against mother matures and caught a few more small carp but I eventually had to give in when my pole was blown so hard it caused the whole rig out of the water.  It was clear the fish where there but common sense had to prevail and I quickly packed in my gear and moved over to the pool the other two lads had moved two.

I settled into a peg that I had a deep margin to my left and a shallow margin to my right it’s a peg I have never fished before but after pluming up I was confident of a few fish.  The swim a mirror of the previous close in swim in that it was full of roach with only one difference the roach where really small roach and almost certainly last years fry.  I decided to make the most of it and just go all out to see how many fish I could catch and it was great fun.

It was while putting another maggot on the hook I noticed some dark shadows in the margins of the swim down form me and upon closer inspection where found to be quite large carp sucking at the margins.  The inner child in me was released and armed with my white hydo elastic and a top section of pole I proceeded to sneak into position to try and catch one of these carp.  My first chance came as one moved right into the margin below me, I gently lowered a piece of meat into the swim but straight away the fish turned and boiled away from the margin DAM!!  The margin was thick with carp and it wasn’t long before another fish moved in, in fact two of them moved into the margin this allowed the inner specimen hunter in me to come out as I gently lowered a piece of meat into the swim but this time I held the bait in the surface film of the water.

The carp was straight on to the smell as it began searching for this new smell in its area and it wasn’t long before I made its search really easy and down the trap the meat went and the fish turned and literally hooked itself.  The elastic oozed from the tip of the pole and from experience I knew I was into one of the better carp in the pool and boy did it fight with me resorting to sinking the tip under the water at times to increase the drag on the fish.  The fish was having none of it and every time I got it close in the edge I could not for the life of me get it off the bottom, time and time again the fish came close in and effortlessly glided back out into the middle of the pool. 

After what seemed like a lifetime the fish came to the surface and I took my chance to net the fish, result!! My first proper carp of the year and I was made up with this fish as it was in mint condition and a really nice fish to look at on the bank and it was straight over to the unhooking mat for a quick picture and to be weighed.

The fish went 6lb 6oz on the scales and wrapped up a really enjoyable day on the bank and I would say it’s the first session I have been out on my own of late when I have thoroughly enjoyed it.  I had a few more trys for another carp off the top but ultimately the rain moved in and I called it a day.

Till next week I wish you tight lines and leave you with this picture posted on facebook this week.


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